Offload The Burden Of Dealing With Complicated Technology And Expensive Audits.
Our web3 gateway offloads the burden of dealing with complicated smart contract technology, development, management and lowering security risks responsibilities.
The integrator doesn’t have to deal with expensive audits, as before launching our tools and smart contracts go live, everything was already audited.
Easy to use, as we constantly expand our endpoint database with new features like:
- New blockchains integrations
- New wallets
- New blockchain specific token add-ons
- Chain specific add-ons
- Distributed ledgers add-ons on IPFS networks and many more

The Gateway To Everything Web3
Currently, we have the tools in our portfolio to integrate into:
- Distributed Pooling
- Distributed funding platforms
- Decentralized backup solutions
- Decentralized inheritance solutions
- Digital Twin creations
- Document hashing
- NFT creations
- Masternode creations
- Token contract deployments
- Atomic token swaps in between blockchains
- Vesting contracts
- Mass crypto HR related payments
We are expanding the endpoint database on request as well, so we can deal with specific requests.